8 Shades

by Saan Dhakal
Hong Kong

50 ml Kumquat Yogurt Shochu*
15 ml Salted Coconut Syrup*
30 ml Plankton Apple Sherbet*

Add all ingredients and shake with ice. Fine mesh strain into Nick and Nora glass.

*Kumquat Yogurt Shochu
750 ml SG Imo Shochu (Sweet Potato)
200 g kumquat (zest only)
250 g fresh yogurt (Clarified)

Wash the kumquat and let dry. Use a grater to grate the zest and keep in a clean container. Keep aside the leftover kumquat to ferment. Put all the ingredients in a mixer and blend for 3 minutes at high speed. Place in a container and for every 1litre of mix, use 5 grams each of pectinex, kiesolol and chitosan. Mix well into solution. Keep the mix aside for 10 minutes. Place evenly in a centrifuge bucket and spin in the centrifuge for 25 min to clarify. Strain the liquid.

*Salted Coconut Syrup
1 ltr coconut water
1 tsp salt
1 pinch Arabic gum

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and bottle it.

*Plankton Apple Sherbet
500 ml clear apple juice
15 g phytoplankton powder
500 g sugar
2 tsp malic acid
2 tsp tartaric acid

Place all ingredients in a sous vide bag and seal. Set the temperature of 70 C in sous vide and cook it for 90 min. Cool, strain, and bottle.

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